Talk To our Experts
Accessibility is a Marathon, Not a Sprint

Accessibility is a Marathon, Not a Sprint

If you are committed to making the changes necessary to build accessibility into your site over time, the first important step is to analyze your site for potential accessibility concerns objectively.

Documenting your intent and summarizing your plans in a published accessibility statement will inform your audience of your accessibility aims and may reduce the risk of being sued for non-compliance.

IronPlane's Accessibility Services

Start with an Accessibility Audit

Start with an Accessibility Audit

Most websites will fail an accessibility audit for one reason or another. Even the accessibility widgets, apps, or extensions that sites often make use of typically cover only 30% of accessibility requirements.

Our audits are conducted by experts in the field of website accessibility and make use of three distinct testing methods to identify areas of non-compliance and opportunities for accessibility improvement:

  • Manual testing
  • Automated testing
  • Live user experience testing

Choose Your Audit:

Comprehensive Accessibility Audit

This audit is a deep dive into selected pages of your site that capture the majority of your visitor flow.

We employ all three testing methodologies to get the most complete picture of ways to improve accessibility.

At the end of the audit, we provide a report with a prioritized list of issues and our recommended actions for each.

This audit is a good idea if you want to:

  • Get objective evaluation of your site's accessibility
  • Obtain feedback from real user accessibility tests
  • Get actionable insights for improving accessibility

Rapid Accessibility Audit

This audit starts with our manual and automated testing focusing on common visitor pathways including your homepage, category landing pages, product detail pages, and checkout flow.

If you've received a notice of non-compliance, this rapid audit should be your first step. In this scenario, we target the areas of non-compliance in the letter.

The results of this audit provide recommendations for actions addressing accessibility non-compliance.

This audit is a good idea if you want to:

  • Get a rapid report detailing accessibility issues
  • Demonstrate evidence of accessibility activity
  • Receive guidance on actions for improvement

Our Approach

We kick things off with a needs discovery to ensure our audit focuses on the areas of accessibility concern for your business.




Send us the pages you’re most interested in having reviewed, such as: home page, landing pages, product detail pages, and your blog.




Our team conducts the selected audit. Once completed, we conduct manual and automated tests and, if the comprehensive audit is selected, we also conduct extensive user testing.



Audit Review

Once the audit and testing are complete, we produce the audit report and schedule a 1-hour call to discuss your results. If the comprehensive audit is selected, we also provide a clear guide of our accessibility expert’s recommended next steps.




Our audit will help you build the foundation of an accessible site, but IronPlane provides long-term accessibility services, ensuring you stay up to date.




Our accessibility audits are customized per client, but in general, our Comprehensive Audit ranges from $8,500 to $9,950 and our Rapid Audit is typically between $5,000 and $6,000.

Contact us to receive an accurate quote for your project.

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