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Managed Magento Hosting: Customized for Your Needs

Managed Magento Hosting:
Customized for Your Needs

A hosting environment should fit your business like a well-tailored suit. Our Magento optimized hosting begins with careful measurements of your business needs. From database calls, daily traffic volume, seasonal spikes, geographic visitor distribution, and order volumes, we size an efficient and scalable hosting solution to meet your needs.


Magento Cloud Hosting:
Pro-Active Scaling

We work with our clients to understand their network size needs during peak periods. If Black Friday or Cyber Monday are big days for your site, for example, we will scale your servers prior to those periods to ensure a smooth visitor experience. If you’re planning a large PR campaign or email promotion, let us know. We will review your server setup prior to the campaign and make necessary adjustments. This way you only pay for larger resources when you need them.

24 / 7 / 365 Monitoring and Emergency Support

24 / 7 / 365 Monitoring and Emergency Support

Our Magento 2 hosting plan includes 24 / 7 / 365 site monitoring and support. We conduct ongoing server health monitoring and proactively make minor adjustments as needed to keep things running smoothly. In the rare event a site is experiencing more serious issues, an always-on ticketing system ensures the issue is logged, tracked, and addressed in a timely manner.

Advanced Security and Monitoring Service

Advanced Security and Monitoring Service

With the expansion of online commerce, comes the expansion of online fraud, hacking, and ransomware. For clients who demand proactive threat analysis and rapid response systems, we offer our comprehensive Magento monitoring service. Using the latest in server security technologies, this service provides powerful threat intelligence, vulnerability tracking and detection, and full store-surface monitoring including files and database triggers. Flexible reporting and multi-channel alerts are included to give you the best chance of addressing risks to your business. Learn more here.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Magento hosting?

Magento hosting is the computer environment used to “serve” a Magento website to the world via the World Wide Web (www). The computer environment includes a server that “hosts” the Magento platform in a way that protects the code and server settings from unauthorized view and interaction while presenting the front end and admin portions of the website to users.

Hosting comes in a variety of designs, support offerings, and costs. Your Magento eCommerce website is likely an important asset for your business. To make the most of this important asset, we recommend investing in Magento-optimized, managed AWS cloud hosting with a reputable company with the support team and software tools to provide exceptional service.

How do I host a website on Magento?

You don’t host a website on Magento. You host a website on a server.

The question you’re asking might be, “How do I get someone to host my Magento website?” 

There are a number of hosting companies that will gladly host your Magento website. However, Magento is an eCommerce platform that benefits from a hosting environment that is optimized specifically for your website. We encourage all of our clients to sign up for our managed AWS hosting service, as this allows us to provide the greatest level of service for their eCommerce website needs. Apart from hosting with IronPlane, we’ve heard of clients having good success with companies such as MageMojo or Nexcess. Depending on the features of your hosting support, you may need to spend some time working through the setup process. In most managed hosting plans, the company should provide you with onboarding services to make the host environment setup super easy, with minimal impact to your internal resources.

Does Magento offer hosting?

Technically, Magento does not offer hosting. Magento is an eCommerce website platform and Adobe is the company that owns the Magento platform. The question more accurately is “does Adobe offer Magento website hosting,” and the answer is yes.

In 2016, Adobe launched Magento Enterprise Cloud, which is now called Adobe Commerce Cloud. It offers Magento as a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and is hosted on a redundant AWS-based virtual private cloud server infrastructure.

Can Magento run on shared hosting?

You can run your Magento website on a shared hosting plan, but should you?

In the world of web hosting plans, there’s shared hosting, dedicated hosting or some form of virtual private hosting. Each option comes with its own set of features and limitations. In the world of Magento eCommerce, it is particularly important to select the hosting option that will best support your Magento website and your business needs.

A shared hosting plan typically offers lower costs but higher risks. With various sites demanding server resources, performance of your website may be negatively impacted. While extremely rare, if a shared server goes down, multiple sites go down with it.

Another hosting option is a dedicated server which is expensive but allows for much greater control over your environment and resources. However, similar to a shared environment, if a dedicated server goes down, your site goes down with it.

Our recommended Magento hosting plan is what is called a virtual private server or a virtual private cloud. When properly configured, this environment can provide multiple availability zones, auto resource scaling, and regular load-balancing. These features provide much greater reliability and scalable performance. In this scenario, there is no longer a single point of failure for your website.

While not a type of hosting, it is worth mentioning that Magento websites can benefit from managed hosting. There are various degrees of support included in a managed hosting arrangement, but in general it assigns a network and hosting specialist to provide ongoing maintenance, security reviews, and performance optimization services throughout your hosting experience.

Focus on your business while IronPlane manages your Magento 2 hosting.